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< The 5th Virtual VTuber Design Contest: VTuber Boss >

This unique competition aims to showcase the designs of VTubers from different professions. Whether you want to design a fashionable stylist, a brave firefighter, or an enthusiastic chef, you can participate in this contest. Unleash your creativity and design unforgettable character images Let them thrive and set trends in the virtual world.

The judging panel will consist of industry experts who will reward outstanding entries.

Join us now and become a design pioneer in this captivating virtual world!







[ Online Submissions ]

Competition Theme:
"The 5th Virtual VTuber Design Contest: VTuber Boss Edition"

Subject description:
The title of this competition is VTuber Boss, and virtual representatives from all walks of life are designed. Please use your imagination, design and promote VTuber into the concept of all walks of life. Design this character. This time it is divided into two groups: University Group/High School Vocational Group, please choose an industry to try to design and plan. The relevance of its role to each industry will be an important basis for scoring.

1. Category: Computer Graphics original design Group (Higher Vocational Group)
     Computer Graphics original design Group (corporate preferred university group)

Additional ➤ Graphic Visual LOGO Group (College, High School Vocational Group)

[報名與交件 ]

[競賽規則 ]


2. 每組每人限一作品參賽,不可同一作品參賽兩個組別,同一人可同時參加電繪原創設計

     與平面視覺 LOGO 組。


    同一作品並不得同時參與其它競賽,未曾參加其他任何比賽或投稿、亦未曾讓予、授權予          何第三人。參賽作品如有任何著作權或其他相關權利糾紛,應由參賽者自行負責,得獎



4. 嚴禁參賽作品中含有暴力、色情等元素呈現,經發現違反上述之規定,將不公開顯示作品。

5. 參賽截止至結果發佈之期間內,請參賽者妥善保存投稿作品之原檔。

6. 各報名組別皆需簽署著作財產權讓與同意及承諾書(請親筆簽名後掃描或拍照提供電子檔)

     請依各組別簽屬 <附件二、附件三>

※法定代理人同意書<附件四> (僅未滿 20 歲之參加者須提供,請法定代理人簽名後掃描或拍照提供電子檔)此徵件活動免費參加,以上文件參加者若有不同意、或有任何文件缺漏、或欄位資料填寫有誤、或作品規格不符,則視同不具參加資格。

Registration Period:
From now until October 20, 2023, 12:00 (GMT+8).
Online Registration Link:



Submission Deadline:
2023/11/10 12:00 (GMT).
The submitted images must not have been exposed on public platforms.
Submission Link:
Not yet disclosed. Please follow the Virtual VTuber Association's official Facebook page for updates.

Competition Rules:


(Concept Description)Design concept explanation (within 100 characters)


(Image File Naming Specifications)300dpi, RGB color, single sheet size A3

File 1: Team Name_Work Title_Three Views 

(e.g., File NameExample: A-Team_Changhua Meatball Brother_Three Views)

File 2: Team Name_Work Title_Situation Image 

(e.g., File NameExample: A-Team_Changhua Meatball Brother_Situation Image)


*The image files should include [1. Design concept explanation, 2. Character three views, 3. Character situation image], totaling three files."


〈 創作理念說明 〉設計概念說明(300字以內)

〈 圖片檔案名稱規格〉色彩模式CMYK,300dpi,色彩模式CMYK,單張尺寸A4,內含設計圖,色彩標準色 (請自行設計呈現方式) 設計圖稿繳交以電子檔(AI或PDF檔和PNG檔)。

〈 檔案名稱規格〉學校_參賽者姓名_作品名稱_LOGO (或設計概念), 
*圖檔需包含【1.設計概念說明 2.設計圖檔AI或PDF 3.設計圖檔PNG】共三個檔案


[ Scoring Criteria]

Design Creativity 30% - VTuber character, art design.


Relevance to Theme 20% - Clearly define VTuber and the scenario of the work, demonstrating relevance and connection to the theme.


Overall Marketing Potential 50% - Clearly position the work's market application and integrate it with other technologies, demonstrating its potential for commercial market entry."

[ Important Notes ]

1. Image Specifications: 300dpi, RGB color, single sheet size A3. Image files must include original character designs in three views and character situation images, totaling two files, to be submitted before the deadline.


2. Plagiarism of others' work is not allowed. All elements (background, etc.) in the artwork must be original. In the event of plagiarism, the participant's eligibility will be revoked. If the plagiarized work has received an award, the prize will be reclaimed.


3. By participating, the participant unconditionally grants the organizing and executing units the rights to use the original manuscript, publication rights, and copyright for promotion activities, including but not limited to the Taiwan Virtual VTuber Association's website and services operated by related companies. The organizing unit has the right to modify and reproduce the work without further compensation to the original author.


4. According to the tax laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan), winners who receive prizes valued over TWD 2,000 are required to pay 10% income tax. The organizing unit will withhold 10% income tax in advance. Prizes valued over TWD 1,000 must be included in the individual's annual tax return. Non-residents of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (i.e., individuals who have not resided in the Republic of China for 183 days or more, including both domestic individuals and foreigners) are subject to a 20% chance-winning tax deduction on the prize, regardless of the prize amount. Winners must provide a photocopy of their identification card as a declaration basis. All winning qualifications are subject to verification and approval by the organizing unit to be valid.


5. By registering for the competition, participants are deemed to agree to all the regulations of this event. If there are any outstanding matters or unforeseen circumstances that require changes, the organizing unit reserves the right to modify the content and will announce it on the official event website and Facebook fan page without further individual notification.


[ 頒獎資訊 ]

發佈入圍時間:2023/11/16 (四)

頒  獎  時  間:2023/12/1 (五) 13:30 - 14:30

頒  獎  地  點:長榮大學 學聚館 (開放式討論區D)



長榮大學 學聚館網站

[ 評審資訊 ]


[ 競賽獎項 ]


1. 獎項之評定及頒發由評審團會議決議之,必要時得以「從缺」辦理。
2. 未依規定全程參與者,視同放棄競賽及獲獎資格。
3. 以上金額皆須扣除稅額。
4. 本次大學組與高中組得獎作品將有優先機會於本校討論後續作品合作事宜。

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